August Alphabet Writing

August’s prompts play with the idea of the alphabet as a prompt of some kind.  Begin by folding a sheet of A3 paper into 32 rectangles [ 4 x 8 ]. Place a letter of the alphabet in each of 26 boxes, leaving six empty for freeform entries.

Make a sheet of writing, drawing and collage about a place or event. You could create an alphabet of the place or you could abandon the idea of the alphabet altogether [there are always some awkward sticking points].

Below is an alphabetic list of single word prompts. You can take them or leave them, and invent your own. You can play with them in any way you wish. You can start with the word or end with it or use it as a theme. You can think of homophones or rhymes. You could take one word and write or draw in response to it multiple times. You can create an alphabet of your own single word prompts. You can have a look and move on. Happy holidays!

Alongside Before Collect Dozen Eye For/far Gladly Hold Interior Just Known Lost Mostly Not Offshore Place Quiet Ragwort Soon Tiny Unknown Very Wind Xeriscaping You Zeugma